Ecru Gingham Frame



Share your special memories with a picture frame that you can display anywhere in the home. Our Ecru Gingham Frame lets you display your favorite photos on a tabletop or hung on the wall. Showcase pregnancy photos or personalize the frame as a sweet gift for a baby shower.

This frame is sized for 4x6 photos and features a handcrafted ceramic design and hand-painted ecru gingham pattern. Whether you use it to display your favorite photos in a nursery or give it as a gift, this frame makes it easy to display your memories in style.

Create an heirloom for family photos with our Ecru Gingham Frame.

Material: Ceramic, plexiglass, cardboard
Dimensions: 11in W x 9in H, Frame Opening: 6in W x 4in H
Volume: n/a
Care Instructions: Wipe clean

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